
Kundabuffer- The Evolutionary Re-wiring of Man

The hypnotic state of man is maintained by our given evolutionary position. Yes, there are higher intelligences involved in the running of the solar system and life on Earth etc. In Man, it is the separation of his inner being that maintains his hypnosis, as expressed by the effects of the organ kundabuffer. The general kind of mind and thinking is merely one feature or result of this situation. The man’s very being and consciousness has become divided such that the different worlds composing his being and nature have become divorced from each other. Hence Man does not now come to live in the three worlds, corresponding to his three bodies, automatically. As it stands there is individual and collective work required for evolution. Presently, there is work required on the medium of the waking consciousness itself, such that it can come to support the functioning of higher consciousness. This work requires all kinds of experiences in the psyche of man, both pleasant and unpleasant, but this is the only means of ‘purging’ this medium in an evolutionary fashion. Aside from this, there is also ongoing work in the different ‘worlds’ that compose man’s being. For instance, there is work in the Kesdjan and Soul realms, as well as work done on the connections between these worlds. As Gurdjieff said, the external world is a mirror of the inner and vice versa. The evolution of life on Earth corresponds to the same process of the evolution and growth of an individual form of life,- as well as the same process of the conscious evolution of man. The medium of man’s psyche is tied to that of the Earth, as expressed in the role of man as part of the Earth’s ‘organs of perception’. This medium has to develop and evolve to support the evolution of the Earth as well as the evolution of mankind. The material of the three brains has to be transformed through experiences and inner work in order for this material to become able to support a higher kind of functioning. This work is much the same as that involved in a human being in its organic process of formation and growth, particularly regarding the neurological network. Individual forms of life already serve as something akin to ‘nerve nodes’ in the being of the Earth. The material of the three brains is that which is circulated through these nodes. If this material is tranformed by the individual forms of life, then a new mode of being can be evolved, a new system of functioning can develop at a higher level of organisation and intelligence. This global process again mirrors the individual formation and development of the higher bodies of man. These processes are governed by forces and intelligences much greater than any indivdual man or group of men, however, these processes also require man’s conscious and intentional contribution. Basic psychological tools can be used intentionally by men to influence other men, but this sphere of influence is tiny compared to the global influences involved in man’s evolution. A given society may be better or worse in terms of the influences that promote suggestibility and egoism etc, but all societies are subject to the global and cosmic conditions and processes within which they inhere and subsist.

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