Non Reaction; Responsibility and Value.

Image result for responsibility"
Discomfort and dis-ease coming from the perceived given state of affairs, whether in oneself or in the environment, can be addressed in a productive way through the realization of individual value. This being related to the realization that there is the real present potential and opportunity for valuable work and contribution to the given state of affairs.

If I am engaged in some meaningful and valued action, then this gives a source of reconciliation towards the experienced resistance; as related to the mechanical aspect or nature etc. Suffering can be useful to the extent that it is related to an ongoing aim. The aim, at least in terms of practicality, should be in line with that which one really sees as valuable and meaningful, and which is seen to be something that has a real potential for contribution.

Having a line of work that is regarded as truly valuable and significant provides a source of positivity and affirmation. Any resistances can then be brought into relation with this positive source. General reactions can then become reminding sources to our aim and may even be transformed by being brought into contact with the source of positivity.

General reactions aren’t a problem if they are brought into contact with one’s aim and work, they are a problem when they become debilitating and identified with. Reactions can be enjoyed in a distorted way, rather than being met as reminders and possible sources of fuel for our aims and work. Can we meet the given reactions in a way that is productive, finding an opportunity to turn these reactions to our own account.

If a real opportunity is seen to make use of these reactions in accordance with a valued aim, then the motivation can be there to do this. The strength of a given reaction is useful to the extent that it can be met with an equally strong affirmation; as related to the source of positive valuation to one’s aim and work.

If there is something that is presently seen to be more valuable than the general reaction, then this can give the motivation to the mobilization of the whole of oneself in this direction. If the general reaction is actually seen in the moment to have no value and/or be detrimental, and an alternative is also seen to be present, then one can feel the responsibility and duty to act upon the positive and valuable potential.

It is the seeing of real present responsibility and opportunity that can become the reminding factor and source for one’s aims and work. A real potential and opportunity for valuable and significant work has to be seen in order to provide a source of direction and remembrance, a real sense of responsibility and duty, of meaningful effort and contribution etc.

If resistance and reaction are only seen as something like an unwanted hindrance, then such resistances and reactions aren’t being met in/with the presence of a meaningful and valued aim. They are not being met in relation to a real observed opportunity for meaningful and significant action.

The question is not then about the reaction or resistance and it’s removal or ceasing, but instead concerns the presence of a recognised opportunity of what to do in the presence of such reactions and resistance, what to do with it. The resistance/reaction has to be brought into line with a real present value, whereby, this resistance or reaction acquires a value and use. A valued and meaningful response to such reactions and resistance has to be found in oneself, for oneself.

If the reactions and resistances can’t be valued then they cannot be brought into line with the individual will. It is the connection of the resistances and reactions to the individual’s own real values and valuation that can enable them to be turned to positive and transformative account.

In one sense, the question is not how to meet reaction or remove it, but how to come to a really meaningful and value response to such, really meaningful and valued to oneself. A source of real meaning and value that comes from within can overcome the fluctuations and insubstantiality of external meanings and values; which can be ineffective as affirming and reminding sources to aims and efforts.

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