Spaceship Propulsion

ArtStation - USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) a constitution class starship from Star  Trek The Original Series.

Conscious suffering begins when value and intention are brought into one’s suffering, thereby giving it purpose and turning it to account. Gurdjieff expresses the need to use conscious suffering as a means to generate the needed energy for transformation. Conscious suffering begins where automatic suffering leaves off, and this relates to the need to sacrifice one’s suffering before it can be used. The sacrifice begins with the sacrifice of unnecessary suffering, and this relates to all the unintentional suffering that arises in us due to automatic processes.

In general suffering, there is simply suffering and its automatic expression and reaction in the being. The suffering is not met with directed attention and nor is such suffering given intentional meaning. Impartial observation is a beginning towards intentional and conscious suffering. Observation is not consciousness, and this should be remembered. A degree of ‘non-identified’ awareness can enable a reduction in suffering, in terms of changing the habitual response and form of expression of such suffering. This awareness changes or transforms the suffering to some degree, but this is not itself equatable with conscious suffering and its direct utilisation. In the general practice of observation, the suffering is ‘soothed’ but this is different to the utilisation of suffering towards a particular aim. Most suffering is engaged with only from the perspective of how to alleviate it, not from the angle of trying to use such suffering.

Many attempts at the ‘non-identified’ observation of suffering do indeed alleviate the given symptoms of the suffering, but these attempts may do little to address the cause of the given symptoms. Many attempts at observation can aid with maintaining a degree of balance in the being, many disturbances can be ‘resolved’ back into the given general state and ‘equilibrium’ etc. This practice develops a certain degree of ‘coherence’ and presence in the being, a certain degree of resilience is developed. This may be pictured as something like developing the ability to use the hand-brake in a car, or being able to put the car into neutral. This is necessary in the process of learning to drive a car, but this knowledge and ability does little for the development of the actual driving skills and the capacity and functioning of the car engine etc.

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